We are pleased to announce the PhD defense of Reza Khaleghi Abasabadi.
Date: Friday, January 24th
Time: 9:30 AM
Location: Aula Diagonale, Department of Chemistry, University of Turin, Turin, Italy
Thesis Title
Characterization and Testing of SO₂ Poisoning Effect on Cu-CHA Zeolites
- Prof.ssa Gloria Berlier
- Dr. Ton V. W. Janssens
- Prof.ssa Elisa Borfecchia – Co-supervisor
Jury Members
- Prof. Marco Daturi, University of Caen
- Prof. Anker Degn Jensen, Technical University of Denmark
- Dr. Matteo Signorile, University of Turin
Join Online
You can join the defense online via Webex using the following link:
We hope to see you there!